Genuine Velcro® Brand Hook & LoopHigh Performance TapesPlain Bearings (Bushings)Rolling Element Bearings Belts, Pulleys, Sheaves & Belting AccessoriesRoller Chain, Sprockets and Roller Chain AccessoriesRod Ends & ClevisesTrack Rollers (Cam Followers)Adhesives, Primers, and Thread LockersFastenersShaft Collars, Couplings, and Universal JointsShafting and Linear Motion ProductsPneumatic ProductsRubber/PolyurethaneFabrics Plastics
Endless Round Viton High-Performance Rubber Belts - BLACK
High-Performance Rubber Belts
Viton is a great choice when your belts are exposed to extreme conditions. With a temperature range of -15 to +399F it is resistant to oils, gasoline, synthetic lubricants, ozone, and UV light.