Genuine Velcro® Brand Hook & LoopHigh Performance TapesPlain Bearings (Bushings)Rolling Element Bearings Belts, Pulleys, Sheaves & Belting AccessoriesRoller Chain, Sprockets and Roller Chain AccessoriesRod Ends & ClevisesTrack Rollers (Cam Followers)Adhesives, Primers, and Thread LockersFastenersShaft Collars, Couplings, and Universal JointsShafting and Linear Motion ProductsPneumatic ProductsRubber/PolyurethaneFabrics Plastics
These SMC valves have ports built directly into the body so they are simple to operate. All valves have DIN connectors so they enclose your electrical connections and provide safe and secure power hookup.
Directional Control Valve, Base Mounted, 2 position single sol.
Unit of Measure